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Kiss Kiss Heart and Rocket: Instagram Content Creation
This project was born of a simple need of engaging content, widening the audience and promoting products in a better, fascinating way. The focus point has fallen on Instagram, as after the analysis it turned out that this is where the audience of those two independent shops is the most active.
gain new unique followers, audience and in the result, customers
promote products in an engaging way and to show their best features
get to know customer needs and type of content they would like to see
increase the popularity of the business
Kiss Kiss Heart and Rocket independent shops based in Rochester
Instagram: @kisskissheart , @rocketrochester
Freelance content creator

I have started working in Rocket and Kiss Kiss Heart at the beginning of September 2019. Those two independent shops owned by one family are stockists for British and European brands that create everything from clothes to furniture and home accessories. Their social media were not well maintained at the time. Content was posted very randomly, it was not planned and aesthetically inconsistent.
Around Christmas I have started creating some content for them which managers as well as followers really liked. I have started planning the content over the Christmas break and decided to move main social media activity to Instagram, to be exact Instagram Stories. I have analysed their followers activity and this seemed to be the best option for the start. I have started creating stories to engage with viewers. At first they were purely product focused but with time I have started creating series like "Buy Of The Day" as well as asking viewers what they would like to see. This has increased number of followers as well as viewers engagement.

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